
Testimonials/ Ivan Severino

Testimonials/ Ivan Severino 2021-04-07T19:06:51+08:00

Ivan Severino

1. How did you feel about your Assessment and Plan to address your concerns?
My mom noticed the curve at my back when I was 10 years old and she brought me to an Orthopedic Doctor and had an X-ray done.  I was diagnosed with mild scoliosis with a 7 degree curve.  The ortho told my mom nothing has to be done and we could just wait for it  to progress.
My mom researched about scoliosis and things that could be done on how to prevent it from progressing and she found out about the benefits of going to a chiropractor.
My grandma (also a patient at Intercare) had advised my mom to bring me to Intercare for assessment.

2. How has the Treatments helped or not helped?
Since I had an X-ray done by the Ortho, Dr. Martin checked the results and I was advised to have my pictures taken to check-out the curve and posture of my body.  Dr. Martin explained very well what a 10-year body of a boy should look like and the timing was perfect for me to have an intervention done at an early age since I was still growing then.  My mom agreed to have the program done immediately because Dr. Martin was very confident and assured me that that my scoliosis will be corrected.

3. How has coming to Intercare affected your health, posture, fitness and / or lifestyle?
The treatment helped a lot by regularly seeing Dr. Martin for chiro and eventually had some active exercises.  There was a time when school interfered in my chiro schedule and I felt a little back pain and I immediately went back to see Dr. Martin.

4. Any other comments you would like to share regarding your treatment? 
I am more active now in sports, doing archery and swimming. Thanks a lot to Dr. Martin and his team.

6. Do you have any additional comments you’d like to share about Intercare Centers Chiropractic or the care you’ve received from us?




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